Roll of Honour

The Laura Haywood Shield

The Annual competition, open  to all members, with the trophy in memory of one of our original members who was still playing at age 96.


2015          Louis McMeeken

2016          John Travis

2017         Colin Turnbull

2018        Colin Turnbull

2019        David Gregory

2021        Louis McMeeken

2022       David Cook

2023       David Gregory

Chairman Ann Bradley presents the trophy to David Gregory 2023

Prior to establishing the above Shield the Club ran a similar competition and the winners were

2011   Matt O’Sullivan

2012   David Gregory

2013   David Gregory and Ann Bradley (two competitions that year)

2014   Colin Turnbull

Pat Hancocks Tournament

This social tournament has been held for many years in memory of our former member Pat and donations on the day have gone to Ashgate Hospice.

At our 10th anniversary celebrations Derek & Eileen Buxton kindly donated a glass bowl to the Club and it was decided that this would be the trophy for future winners of the tournament.

Because of covid restrictions we were not able to play last year and so 2021 has been the first time the bowl has been awarded. The competition was won by David Gregory.

The 2022 competition was won by Colin Turnbull

2023 saw Eleanor Porter take the trophy and the picture shows her receiving this from Chairman Ann Bradley

Buxton Bowl 2023

Roy Jones Memorial Trophy


2024 saw a new competition added to our schedule to commemorate the birthday of a late member, Roy Jones. Organised by his daughter Donna it was for teams of 2 players and was run on a knockout basis. This year 8 teams entered and the winners were David Cook and Peter Smissen who beat Louis and Christine McMeeken in the final